*NEW* SILKEN TOFU ▶️ : https://youtu.be/SrEeLIoTip8 Make your own tofu at home with only soymilk, fresh lemon juice and water! Fresh, handmade tofu is so much better tasting than the store-bought stuff and super easy to make. And don’t worry, it doesn’t taste like lemons at all. You don’t need anything special other than cheesecloth.
PRINTABLE RECIPE: http://www.marystestkitchen.com/diy-tofu-just-soymilk-lemon-water/
This tutorial makes “regular” tofu. For silken tofu, also known as smooth tofu, click here: https://goo.gl/go9KAg
Printable recipe for silken tofu: http://www.marystestkitchen.com/diy-silken-tofu-soy-beans-lemon-juice/
Check out this tutorial for soy-free tofu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB6425Cw7Yw&list=PL6QDlGTnYxpEQ5PxQmCTZ9aDnea7Chkc0&index=1
Store bought soymilk usually contains a bunch of additives so you won’t want to use that for this recipe. These additives can affect the PH of the milk and prevent coagulation. Use homemade soymilk or possibly brands that only contain soybeans, water and maybe salt. Soymilk is really easy to make too. Just check out this video: https://youtu.be/wDdzSr7RqC8
Makes about one 8.5oz block (250g)
5 cups plain HOMEMADE soy milk (use my original recipe, not the 2.0 version)
1/2 cup water
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice (must be SOUR! don’t use sweet lemons)
Combine the water and lemon juice.
Separately, heat the soymilk to 160F (71C) in a large pot. Be sure to stir constantly to keep the soymilk from burning on the bottom. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can bring it just to a boil, then remove from heat and stir half of the lemon mixture into the soymilk for 1 or 2 minutes with a wooden spoon or spatula.
Stand the spoon or spatula straight down into the milk to cause the spinning motion of the milk to stop.
Add the rest of the lemon mixture and stir the spatula in a back and forth motion or a figure eight motion. The intent is to mix the lemon juice coagulant in thoroughly but gently.
After a minute, the soymilk should start to separate and curds will begin to form. Stop stirring as soon as you see curds forming and cover the pot with a lid.
Let sit for 15 minutes.
Afterwards, the soymilk will have completely separated into bits of soybean curd and liquid. The liquid should be clear and yellowish. If it is still milky looking, it has not completely curdled. In that case, add a few drops of lemon juice to the milky liquid and stir gently.
If your soy milk has not completely coagulated and you already tried adding a few more drops of lemon juice, you may need to heat up your soy milk again. Avoiding to heat up too quickly, use medium heat and get it back up to 160°F. Then turn off the heat, cover and it should finish coagulating. If that doesn’t work, the problem may be your soy milk is not properly made for tofu-making.
Prepare a colander or sieve lined with a few layers of cheesecloth over a bowl, or use a steamer pot.
Scoop some soy curds with your slotted spoon or similar ladle and let excess water drain away before transferring to the cheesecloth.
Carefully pull up the sides of the cloth to allow most of the water to drain out. Gather the sides of the cloth and twist at the top to squeeze out more water. *Wait a few minutes if the bundle is too hot to handle**
Untwist the cloth and re-wrap the curds so that it forms a loaf shape.
With the curds securely wrapped in the cheesecloth, place a couple pounds of weight on top. You want to press the curds evenly to force the water out. A cutting board with a few books on top would work well. Alternatively, use a tofu press device.
Let sit for 15 to 30 minutes (longer time for firmer tofu)
Place the wrapped tofu in a bowl of ice-cold water. This will help the tofu firm up further. After a few minutes, you can unwrap the tofu. Then let it sit in the water until completely chilled through. Afterwards, it’s ready to use!
Store fresh tofu in cold water, cover with a lid and refrigerate. Use as soon as possible; store for up to 5 days.
If you’re storing in the freezer, you don’t need to keep it swimming in water. Just put in a freezer bag, squeeze out excess air and freeze. The texture will change to more spongy. Keep for up to 2 months.
Save the soy milk pulp and make these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYBhkL8uzSY
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