Learn the recipe for a vegan version of grilled ‘eel’ rice bowl.
In Japan, July 24th is known as “Midsummer Day of the Ox,” traditionally a day when people eat eel to build stamina.
Buddhist monks, who avoid animal products, use tofu to create mock eel dishes.
I’m not a Buddhist, but I was interested in the recipe, so I tried my own version.
Ingredients: 3 Servings
200g firm tofu
50g zucchini
2 mushrooms
2 tbsp potato starch
1 sheet of roasted seaweed (nori)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2½ tbsp hon mirin
2 tbsp sake
2 tbsp soy sauce
steamed rice (as needed)
chopped green onions (as needed)
*Many soy sauces contain wheat, so if you are going gluten-free, use a gluten-free soy sauce.
1: Wrap the firm tofu in kitchen paper, place a weight on top, and let it sit for at least 2 hours to drain excess water.
2: In a small saucepan, pour in the mirin and simmer over low heat until reduced by half.
Add sake and soy sauce, bring to a boil, then remove from heat.
3: Cut the zucchini and mushrooms into small pieces.
4: In a blender, blend tofu, zucchini, mushrooms, and potato starch until smooth.
5: Cut the roasted seaweed into 3 pieces.
Spread the tofu mixture onto the seaweed and flatten. Use a knife to create thick vertical lines and fine horizontal lines.
6: Heat the oil in a frying pan and place the unagi. Cover and steam-fry for 5 minutes. Flip, cover again, and steam-fry for another 5 minutes.
7: Add the sauce and simmer while coating the unagi with the sauce.
8: Serve the rice in a bowl, place2 pieces of the halved unagi, and garnish with chopped green onions.
📖 Drain the tofu thoroughly to prevent the mixture from becoming loose。
Adjust the amount of potato starch according to the moisture content of the tofu mixture.
🎥You can find the full recipe here▼
材料: 3人分
木綿豆腐 200g
ズッキーニ 50g
マッシュルーム 2個
片栗粉 大さじ2
焼きのり 1枚
サラダ油 大さじ1
本みりん 大さじ3
酒 大さじ2
しょうゆ 大さじ2
ご飯 適量
万能ねぎ 小口切り 適量
1: 木綿豆腐はクッキングペーパーで包み、重しをして3時間以上置いて水気を切る
2: 小鍋にみりんを入れ、弱火で半分の量になるまで煮詰める。
3: ズッキーニとマッシュルームを小さく切っておく。
4: ブレンダーに豆腐、片栗粉、ズッキーニ、マッシュルームを入れなめらかになるまで混ぜる。
5: 焼きのりを3枚に切り分ける。焼きのりに豆腐のペーストを塗って平らにする。ナイフで縦に太い筋を、横に細かい線を入れる。
6: フライパンに油を熱し、うなぎもどきを海苔の面を下にして入れる。フタをして弱火で5分蒸し焼きにする。
7: タレを入れてうなぎもどき全体に絡めながら煮詰めていく。
8: 丼に白米を盛り付け、うなぎもどきをのせてネギを散らす。
📖 生地が緩くならないよう豆腐をしっかり水切りするのがポイントです。
#healthy #japaneserecipe #JapaneseCooking #glutenfree #glutenfreerecipes #unadon #unagidon #鰻丼 #vegan #veganrecipes #ricerecipe #tofurecipe