We’ve been developing a new recipe using our soy curl bacon and we had some left over. I decided to make a vegan BLT with some of the leftovers! It was juicy yet refreshing. Our soy curl bacon really does a great job as a vegan bacon replacement, I’d even say it’s better than bacon.
We still have a little bit of the soy curl bacon in our freezer. It keeps well in there, so I’m planning another quick little recipe to use it in. It will either be a bacon mac and cheese or a vegan cheesy omelette with bacon in it. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it 🤤.
As always, you can find the recipe in the link in our bio or in our recipe highlights for our stories. But if you can’t find it, comment “but bacon!” and we’ll get to you as soon as possible. Also, it might confuse the omnis.
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