I claim this recipe to be my creation as of Sept. 22 2020. If anyone finds an older recipe dehydrating daikon to make bacon, please let me know and I will amend.
The problem with bacon is salt. The problem with vegan bacon is TOO MUCH SALT. That’s why instead of soaking daikon in brine or sprinkling it with salt, I dehydrate it, then rehydrate with the marinade. The radish absorbs the flavors, but not the salt. Cut the soy as well! It won’t bring anything to the daikon bacon but salt: it won’t even color it.
DATE SYRUP is 100% natural, sweetens everything like sugar, is natural. Use it at 50% or even less as compared to regular sugar.
DATE SYRUP has a glycemic index of 47 (Compared to 70 for refined sugar, and over 100 for processed Agave or even blended sucralose). It contains minerals and fiber too. Easy to make at home! I will make a video when possible, but you can ask questions in the comments.
I use Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey, which is certified vegan by JD. The filtering of some alcohols beverages is made with wool, and sometimes other animal products, such as hog casing. Check before you buy. THE RECIPE CONTAINS NO ALCOHOL ONE THE DIKON IS COOKED. It is suitable for children. Cooking with alcohol enhances flavor, just like vinegar does, nothing else.
Goya Salazón contains MSG. Here are mu ingredients for home-made Salazón. Salazón IS NOT A TRADEMARK, but a traditional flavored curing agent.
To make you own, blend the following:
1 measure of salt.
1/3 measure of garlic.
1/3 measure of cumin.
1/4 measure of coriander.
That’s it!
If you do not have a dehydrator, set your oven to 130F, and place the daikon slices on a cooling tray, or anything that will ensure air circulation from below.
Ingredients for this recipe:
2 Daikon radishes, or one long. Easy to find at the Asian store.
For the marinade (flavor it your way, but you will need spices and a bit of stuff that browns when cooked):
– 2 cups vegetable oil.
– Water for rehydration (enough to cover the marinated daikon).
– 2-3 JD Tennessee Whiskey.
– 2 Tbsps. Liquid Smoke.
– 4 Tbsps. date syrup.
– 1 Tbsp. Paprika.
– 1 Tbsp. Nutritional yeast (for Unami flavor).
– 1 Tbsp. Salazón.
– 1 Tbsp. garlic powder.
For frying:
– Vegetable oil suitable for frying. Do not use olive oil, as it will react with the daikon radish and give it a bitter taste.
Remove the bacon from the flame when it’s light brown: daikon bacon tends to get darker after it is removed from the pan. Choose the level of brown that fits your taste best, but remember, the bacon can burn easily if you leave it for too long.
I put the darker slices in salads as bacon bits. Season the cooked bacon according to taste before serving: a tiny bit of homemade Worcestershire sauce works great for me!
You can make batches as large as you want: most of the recipe is a waiting game. But the daikon bacon will freeze well, and you will be able to keep it at least 4-5 days in the fridge using an air-tight container.
I do not recommend thawing the frozen daikon radish in a microwave, it will make it soft.
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