Dr. Joel Fuhrman categorizes soy into three: unprocessed soy, moderately processed soy and processed soy. Taking the hint, you instinctively know which ones are good for you. And that explains why edamame, tempeh and tofu are healthy foods that will always be present in the Nutritarian diet.
But is soy safe for everybody? How about the annoying misinformation circulating on the internet about soy promoting breast cancer? In this Q&A, Dr. Joel answers this clearly with a ‘NO’. No — it doesn’t promote breast cancer.
Keep watching to find out more about the goodness of soy.🌱
Notes from Dr: Joel:
The association between minimally processed soy intake and a reduction in the risk of cancers has been reported over and over again. However, keep in mind that because some is good doesn’t mean eating a soy-based diet is healthful; we should not eat lots of soybeans to the exclusion of other beans and other health-promoting foods. Two to four servings a week is reasonable. Variety of natural plants is crucial for obtaining diversity in protective phytochemicals. Avoid isolated and concentrated soy protein; eat a variety of beans such as black beans, chickpeas, and lentils; and enjoy some edamame, tofu and tempeh as well.
Read the full article here 👉 https://www.drfuhrman.com/blog/137/dont-fall-for-the-myths-about-soy
[Don’t Fall for the Myths About Soy]
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